The first annual meeting of EURO-NMD

12 January 2018

On November 30th EURO-NMD held its first annual meeting in Freiburg, Germany. The purpose of EURO-NMD is more EU-cooperation on neuromuscular diseases and is one of the twenty-four European Reference Networks for rare diseases that started in 2017. Right now 61 (academic) hospitals, health care providers, from 14 EU-countries are connected to EURO-NMD.

The meeting was designed to reflect the different aspects of the new network and its structure. But also presented an opportunity for representatives of the health care providers and patient organisations to meet each other. Exchanging knowledge and offering access to the best expertise to patients and doctors across the EU is one of the main goals of the network. It also presents a better opportunity to work more closely together on (clinical) research and find new therapies.

To meet these goals, EURO-NMD has five Specialist Disease Groups and four Cross-cutting Specialist Groups. The Specialist Disease Group for Motor Neuron Diseases is coordinated by Prof. dr. Leonard van den Berg. This working group focuses on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and spinal muscular atrophy.

Visit the website of EURO-NMD for more information: